LYMEEZ 3D MESH LEG GAITERS confound and repel ticks. Ticks dont fly or jump! Most ticks climb on from grass and leaf litterstop them on their climb. Ticks instinctively explore 3D meshproven to slow their climb by 4-8Xexposing them to repellent for longer. Effective protection from ticks that may carry Lyme disease. Microencapsulated permethrin repellent releases gradually through friction of use. Long-lasting, inexpensive tick bite protection. Lymeez patented 3D Mesh products are worn by thousands of outdoor workers of Local, State and Federal agencies and private utilities and outdoor enthusiasts of all types. Perfect for Working Outdoors, Hiking, Walking, Gardening, Camping, Golfing, Birding, Hunting, Mountain Biking. INTENDED USE: Rugged. Good for field, brush & woods. HOW ATTACH: Wrap. Flexible fit. Hook strip attaches to 3D mesh.